Linking Company Culture with Customer Needs for Extraordinary Results

Based on his book True Alignment, Edgar shares his groundbreaking approach to how companies and teams can better align to achieve greater levels of customer satisfaction and business performance. He provides his unique insights into how to constructively confront the conflicts of misalignment and connects the aspects of human motivation that are at the core of the customer experience and your culture. Edgar includes practical approaches to how to more intentionally develop and lead your culture, and shares strategies that can be immediately implemented to increase your ability to better align and deliver to the customer. From small and start-up enterprises, from non-profit to Fortune 500 companies and across all industries, his solutions are applicable to all organizations and benefit the span of audiences including executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and members at all levels of organizations. Edgar will help you see yourself and the alignment of your work in a new and powerful way.

Takeaways include:

  • Insight into the philosophy that business is the most advanced form of human art;
  • An overview of True Alignment framework for aligning the four elements of business;
  • A deeper understanding what truly motivates your customer;
  • How to align your team or organization’s culture and create higher levels of trust;
  • Understanding leadership and your personal alignment; and,
  • How leveraging alignment results in higher levels of creativity, innovation and greater levels of performance.

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